8 ways for perfect time management,the last one shocked me!!!

1. Prefer to do list

Writing  habit is a very good habit which can help you to develop yourself personally. This habit is followed by many entrepreneurs and one of the most useful habit which makes you very effective person. Studies have shown that people perform better when they have written down what they have to do. Or else start your day with morning pages. Morning pages makes people more effective and creative. Get out of the bed and start writing something for three pages by hand and not typed. Write down your thoughts or the night dreams you remember. Keep your diary personal and nobody is allowed to read this. Later you can read this and know about yourself. 

Checklist, Check, List, Marker, Checked
2.Plan your day 

Planning is much more important in life. By planing your day you can manage your time which you think that you are wasting. In some situations we ate not possible to follow the to do list. Some times we are forced to wait. In that cases you can do other works so always think of the alternate jobs or some infotainment such as reading news papers or magazines or other small works. 

Notebook, Coolie, Desk, Workplace

3. Don't multitask

Multitasking is the activity of doing two or more works at the time. Multitasking reduces your concentration power. Studies say that a person can concentrate only one job or work at the time. And if you multitask you waste your time. Doing more than one job at the moment takes more time to finish the job. So always do only one work and after it's completion then go to the next work. 

4. Remove distractions 

Distraction leads to delay in completion of work. Distraction may be of two types. Internal distraction and external distraction. Internal distraction is a distraction by ourselves, our mind gets distracted automatically. Generally an average person's mind can do work with out distraction for few minutes. It's common for all but some people can exist for long time. External distraction is a distraction from surrounding of working area. Internal distraction can be overcomed by doing meditation. External distraction is unavoidable, before you going to work think what may distract you and displace the things which can distract you. 

Shield, Wall Boards, Boards, Error

5.Set remainders 

Clock, Alarm, Watch, Green, Time, Sleep

Some people plan for many works in some order but tends to forget some works. In mobile phones there is a facility of setting remainder, but many people don't use that facility. Forgetting the things at time is not good. So try not to forget the things. Initially you can use remainders but later gradually reduce the usage of remainder. 

                    Reminder, Note, Sticky Note, Reminder

6. Follow your schedule 


Schedule your duties in the order in which you can finish the jobs faster. Scheduling is not important but it's important to follow the schedule.You must schedule properly to do the work properly.Don't be lethargic in following th schedule. Some people makes schedule perfectly but not follow that. Always keep in mind you've put the schedule for you, so you have too follow that. If you practice this, you will become better in time management. 

Day Planner, Calendar, Organizer

7. Use time breakage rule
Know the principles of the time management.Time breakage rule is the rule which is used to practice time management. For example you schedule for the day by planing respective time for respective works. Then split the time and schedule the works. Let us assume half an hour of work. Then split the half an hour into two fifteen minutes and then five - five minutes and observe the work in the spliced time. By doing this you can understand clearly where you waste your time and next time you can use the time. 

8. Know the time value of money 

We all know that value of money. We always have some desire in our money.just think whether you your money for someone without reason. Nobody will do this,consider time as money , then wasting the time equal to the wasting of money.If we assume one rupee for one minute then 1,140 rupees for a day ,if one rupee for one second then 86,400  per day.If we use this technique then automatically our thoughts will change.
Time is the only  thing which can't be get again

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