This is why return trip seems shorter

Mount Kofel, Würzjoch, Mountain Bike

If you traveled somewhere maybe a bike ride,road trip or cycle ride,you would probably experienced the feeling that the return trip is shorter than the way there.Even you know that the time taken to reach the point and to return is same,why you get that feeling? Do you know what happens there?
looking strange right?

This phenomenon is called as "return trip effect".The researchers have looked into this phenomenon. It is strange that we know that the time taken to return is same but it seems shorter.How the two identical period of time feels different? In fact your sense of time is flexible.Not only this,the feeling of joy,fear and excitement could make the time seem slow down.

There are some reasons that why the return trip is shorter.You may become familiar in that route.If you became familiar with the route,the return trip seems shorter.the more you become familiar the more shorter the return trip.

The researchers asked the first year college students to sketch the map of their campus and estimate the time elapse between the various points.they found that the students who are familiar with the routes estimated the shorter time.

The researchers from Netherlands and U.S.A. states that it might be due to the underestimation of the time to reach the destination or overestimation of the time to return.

The another reason is that you feel the initial trip longer as you don't yet know what to expect when you reach your destination.The researchers brought students to a room,then they took the to play some puzzles to down floor.In that half of the students were told where they were going and what they were doing and others were kept unknown.When the students who were kept unknown left the room they feel that initial trip was longer than the return trip.

When you are going and seeing the new places an landmarks and wondering what your destination will be,your brain is working more than when you are seeing the same landmarks or any other else.It's obviously our brain playing with your perception of time.However you'll enjoy those trips.
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