Blue light theraphy

Light is made up of electromagnetic particles that travel in waves. These waves emit energy and range in length and strength. The shorter the wavelength, higher the energy. The length of the waves is measured in nanometers and grouped into the following categories :
  • Gamma rays
  • Infrared rays
  • X-rays
  • UV-rays
  • Visible light
  • Radio waves

Together these wavelengths make up the electromagnetic spectrum. However the human eye is sensitive to only one part of this spectrum(visible spectrum). Visible light is the part of the electromagnetic spectrum that is seen as colours such as violet, blue, red, indigo, yellow, orange and many more. Blue light has shorter wavelength and so produces high amount of energy. Studies suggest that exposure to blue end of the light spectrum to cause long term damage to your eyes. 

Blue light can help elevate your mood and boost awareness, but chronic exposure to blue light at night can lower the production of melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep and disrupts your circadian rhythm. Then how it is used in therapy?

Exposure to blue light may help combat hypertension. In order to research that, scientists divide the sixty people into two groups of thirty. One group were exposed to 30 minutes of whole body blue light and another group is exposed to 30 minutes of control light. 

Most importantly the scientist look for changes in blood pressure. As a result the group who was posted to whole body blue light has lowered  blood pressure. The pressure in the blood vessels as heart contracts by 8 mm of Mercury. This can surely help the blood pressure patients to reduce their blood pressure levels without taking pills or other medicines.

The technology of flexible electronics may be applied in this field and flexible bed-sheets fixed with the blue light which can be covered over the body of the patient.This idea may come into application soon.The scientists researching about it.For more information read these books.

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